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a) Q & A 1
b) Q & A 2
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H) Q & A 8
I) Q & A 9
J) Q & A 10
1. b
2. c
3. d
4. b
5. b
6. d
7. c
8. b
9. c
10. a
11. a
12. b
13. b
14. d
15. c
16. b
17. a
18. c
19. b
20. a
21. d
22. d
23. b
24. d
25. a
26. c
27. c
28. d
29. a
30. c

1. What is the formula for calculating a flash’s guide number?
a. Guide Number = Aperture × Shutter Speed
b. Guide Number = Aperture × Subject Distance
c. Guide Number = Shutter Speed × ISO Value
d. Guide Number = Aperture × 10 (ft)
2. A photographer possesses a flash having a guide number of 120. The photographer wishes to have an aperture of f/8. How far must the flash be positioned from the subject?
a. 9 ft
b. 12 ft
c. 15 ft
d. 18 ft
3. A photographer has a flash having a guide number of 160. The photographer wishes to properly expose a single subject that rests 10 ft from the camera (and flash). Depth of field is not important. What should the aperture be set for a full-power (1/1) flash exposure?
a. f/4
b. f/8
c. f/11
d. f/16
4. A photographer tests his brand new flash to see what the power or effective guide number for his equipment. Using a subject 10 ft away from the flash, a proper exposure was obtained with an aperture of f/11. What is the effective guide number value?
a. 56
b. 110
c. 220
d. Depends on length of exposure
5. A photographer sets up a composition, where the subject is 5 ft away from the flash unit. The flash’s guide number at full power is 160. The photographer desires to minimize the depth of field and desires an aperture of f/4. What is the proper reduction in the flash’s power setting?
a. 1/32
b. 1/64
c. 1/128
d. Not enough information to calculate flash exposure
6. A photographer has set up a properly exposed composition with an aperture of f/22 and a full-power (1/1) flash. The flash’s power is reset to 1/8th power. With everything else being equal, what is the new aperture to match the adjustment in flash power?
a. f/2.8
b. f/4
c. f/5.6
d. f/8
7. A photographer has a composition setup where he wants to manually fire a flash toward a specific target in the scene. The flash’s guide number is 110, but the photographer is photographing the scene at ISO 400. The subject will be 10 ft away from the flash when fired and the chosen aperture is f/11. What would be a proper power setting for the flash unit?
a. 1/1
b. 1/2
c. 1/4
d. 1/8
8. A photographer possesses a flash with a guide number of 120 at ISO 100. He wishes to record an image on ISO 50 speed film. What would be the equivalent guide number value?
a. GN = 35
b. GN = 85
c. GN = 120
d. GN = 168
9. A photographer possesses a flash with a guide number of 160 at ISO 100. He wishes to record an image at an ISO setting of 800. What would be the equivalent guide number value?
a. GN = 113
b. GN = 320
c. GN = 448
d. GN = 532
10. A photographer possesses a flash with a guide number of 110 at ISO 100. He wishes to photograph an image at an ISO setting of 400 and at aperture of f/11. The flash will be manually fired at full power (1/1). How far should the intended subject be from the flash at the new ISO 400 setting?
a. 20 ft
b. 25 ft
c. 30 ft
d. Not enough information to determine distance
11. A flash’s mode (automatic or Manual) does not have to match the camera’s exposure mode (automatic or Manual).
a. True
b. False
12. The flash is connected to the camera’s focus and will always attempt to make a proper flash exposure to the point of focus.
a. True
b. False
13. In regard to light, the angle of incidence equals the angle of ______________.
a. Refraction
b. Reflection
c. Absorption
d. Impact
14. Which ISO setting is the best choice for flash photography?
a. ISO 100
b. ISO 400
c. ISO 800
d. Depends on equipment, subject’s distance, and environment
15. Which is a beneficial aspect of electronic flash photography?
a. Reciprocity
b. Reciprocity failure
c. Light is white balanced
d. Can be operated in Manual mode
16. Flash photography is not necessary in outdoor, daytime exposures.
a. True
b. False
17. What type of flash is designed for close-focused subjects?
a. Ring flash
b. Built-in flash
c. TTL flash
d. Fill flash
18. What detrimental aspect of flash photography should the photographer be constantly aware of?
a. Bounced flash
b. Reflective metering
c. Inverse square law
d. Guide number formula
19. In nighttime environments, one may hand hold a camera effectively for up to 1 s.
a. True
b. False
20. What is the TTL flash metering trying to determine?
a. 18% gray
b. Daylight balance
c. Proper ambient-light balance
d. All of the above
21. When can a flash that is attached directly to the camera’s hot shoe be problematic?
a. Portrait photography
b. Photographing reflective surfaces
c. Macro photography
d. All of the above
22. What is an effective alternative to direct flash lighting?
a. Diffused lighting
b. Ambient lighting
c. Bounced lighting
d. All of the above
23. A photographer examines the ambient light conditions of a particular composition and determines that an ISO 400, f/8, for 30 s would create an excellent photograph. However, the photographer anticipates that the time needed to complete the the task will be 2 minutes. What would be the proper exposure settings?
a. ISO 100, f/8, for 2 min
b. ISO 400, f/16, for 2 min
c. ISO 400, f/11, for 2 min
d. ISO 800, f/4, for 2 min
24. A photographer meters the ambient light of a nighttime scene and finds that an ISO 400, f/4, for 4 s creates a proper exposure. However, the photographer wishes to have the longest exposure possible, which combination of exposures would reciprocally equal?
a. ISO 800, f/16, for 8 min
b. ISO 400, f/2.8, for 2 min
c. ISO 200, f/8, for 4 min
d. ISO 100, f/22, for 8 min
25. What is the goal when using colored filters (red, green, and blue) in photography?
a. Improving the image’s contrast
b. Improving the image’s exposure
c. Decreasing the image’s density
d. Improving the image’s color saturation
26. If one subject is 5 ft away from the camera and a second subject is 25 ft away, how much less light strikes the second subject if the first subject is properly exposed with a flash?
a. 5 times less light
b. 10 times less light
c. 25 times less light
d. None of the above
27. If a photographer’s electronic flash has a guide number of 160 at ISO 100 and chooses an aperture of f/22, how close does the flash have to be to the subject?
a. 3 ft
b. 5 ft
c. 7 ft
d. 9 ft
28. When a photographer initially evaluates a nighttime scene, what should the photographer be looking for?
a. Looking for areas of highlights and areas of shadows
b. Seeking place or places to position one’s self to add light to the scene
c. Starting exposure values for the ambient light
d. All of the above
29. When choosing an ISO value, which value will give the photographer more time to paint with light (with all else being equal)?
a. ISO 100
b. ISO 400
c. ISO 1600
d. None of the above
30. When choosing an aperture value, which value will give the photographer more time to paint with light (with all else being equal)?
a. f/4.0
b. f/8.0
c. f/16.0
d. None of the above